Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Tags Will Be AT Blogger

Well AOL is apparently giving us the boot...why because they dont make money for having the AOL Journals but you would think that if they valued their customers that much they would let us having something meaningful like this for free and forever right? I mean come on they are big time AOL...right, Wrong they arent that big. So to heck with them and horray for Blogger. If you still want to request my tags then My tags will be available at my tag group as always.. I will give you the link to that and also the tags will be on my new journal over at blogger. Please people switch over to blogger to keep up with your old and meet new friends here is the links

Tag Group:


New Journal


 also my thought of why aol is giving us the boot..they like aliens better then us.

AOL JOURNALS CANCELED,Why Us And Not The Kids From Mars

So Yea im spreading the word if you dont know already AOL is giving us the boot! Its a conspiracy it wont be away to long and when they do come back i bet you they will try and charge us for that too! I got word that the Kids from mars needed more computer space so they can continue keeping records of the AOL users they are kidnapping one by one. I hope you got your aluminol Foil Brain Protector On I Do, and if that dont work run AWAY from the Beam Of Light because it sure aint heaven calling you.

I found my Safe Haven over at blogger like many others are moving spread the word to all your j-land friends and family that Blogger is the party place to be AOL has become to.....70's i can picture the boss now while he is ordering changes. Multicolor Bell Bottoms (TIGHT!!) A Open Shirt with his Nappy Chest hair sticking out and a Greasy Elvis Hair-do and not looking for a change.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

New Comp.

I have a new computer im downloading PSP and animation shop right back on it as we speak. It will take me some time to get the materials i need to create a tag so just watch out for a graphic coming your way as soon as possible

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Computer Problems

Im turning off my alerts my computer isnt working right at all im supposed to get a new one friday if not i will just have to reinstall aol and try some other things until then see ya ladies and gents

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Like A Chevy (Sac!!)

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Rules For Requesting My Work

2 Tags Per Person, No Exceptions!

Real Names And Nicknames is the only thing going on my tags. You request a name like this: JEsSiCA and you will recieve: Jessica.

8 Letters Per Name!

No Random Words, Saying, Symbols Or Numbers.

Do Not Edit My Tag In Any Way What So Ever Such As: Cropping, Resizing, Adding/Editing The Fonts Or Color, And Don't Ask Me To.

*Using Fotki*

You Will be sent a Pick-Up Link to fotki WEBSITE where your tags will be. If your mailbox is full i will attempt to send it the next day and after that it will be removed from my computer.  

Click the Link and Locate Your Tag Once Located Click Your Tag So It Can Be It's Full Size Then Right Click And Save As. If The Tag Is Animated Please Right Click And Save As .GIF To Do So Just Simply Type .GIF after the Tags File Name. DO NOT CHANGE MY FILE NAME AT ALL.

My Tags Do Have An Expiration Date Usually Within Two Weeks.